Defeathering A Duck

We're thrilled to have Doug involved with CFH...check back for more information on Doug's upcoming instructional Chops from Hell CD Rom release!

Hello Again!!

I hope you all enjoyed the crazy String Skipping in the last 'Dissecting Frankenstein' column. Now let's get to some of the other tunes going on the new CD. These licks come from a song called "Mr. Quackers". Named after my son's old favorite stuffed duck. Since the Frankenstein lesson dealt with Stine's arrangement of licks, I decided to pick Quackers because it has a couple of Derek Taylor licks in it!! Being from Texas and being a big fan of Scott and Derek when I was younger (and still am!), I learned boatloads of their licks and it just kind of slips into my stuff sometimes! Remember, pay homage to your heroes (especially when you are snagging their licks). The tabs below just reflect the big legato sounding licks in the MP3, not the melody line. These licks do call for the use of two of your right hand fingers (or left hand if you're a southpaw player). I use my middle finger and my ring finger on my right hand for these licks. Go look at Derek Taylor's lessons for in an in depth look into these kind of licks. Again, these are his style licks, I just snagged 'em for my own use! Buy Derek's CD-Rom stuff too…It'll freak you out, he's so good.

I guess my whole dorky outlook on this column here is learn from the players you look up too. It'll make you practice more and keep you out of trouble (or make your neighbors want to kill you from hearing the same licks over and over for 8 hours) and it will give you real insight to your own playing… and give you a bunch of cool licks to scare your friends with!!

Until next time, have fun and I'll put my own licks in for the next column. More crazy licks coming soon so stay tuned!!

Tapping notes- T1 - Middle Finger T2 - Ring Finger


Doug Stapp
Record label: Progressive Arts Music